Your monetary contribution will directly support Alexandria Area High School students.

We encourage you to give as generously as you can, but be assured that any and all gifts are appreciated.  Your contribution of $10, $100, or $1000 reflects your pride in our students and your commitment to the ongoing education of the young people in our community. 

Cardinal Club

Alexandria Dollars for Scholars employs a unique method of raising award funds - The Cardinal Club.

This esteemed club is made up of individual contributions totaling $20,000.00 or more.  This amount provides an annual scholarship of 5% of the donation, or in the case of a $20,000.00 donation a $1,000.00 scholarship is awarded annually.

The principle funds are endowed and managed independently with guidance from the Dollars for Scholars board.

This method ensures graduating seniors from Alexandria Area High School will benefit from generous donors' actions for years to come.

There are various levels of donations within the Cardinal Club.  In addiiton, recognition is posted at Alexandria Area High School as well in the Honors Night program and in our annual Echo Press Newspaper ad.

If you are interested in becoming a Cardinal Club member please contact Alexandria Dollars for Scholars President Randy Anderson at 320-815-2220.


Donations can also be mailed to:

Alexandria Dollars for Scholars

PO Box 1152

Alexandria MN 56308


Alternatively, you can donate now by clicking on the "Click to Donate" button below (any donations sent through the Give Lively site will go directly to our local chapter).